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Personal Learning Network (PLN)

Table of Contents

Personal or Professional Learning Networks allow an ideal track to keep current with pedagogical practices, new technology tools, and expanding networking opportunities through connections. Twitter provides an excellent space to connect or follow other individuals to stay current and collaborate. Twitter has so many content authors spread across the web. Among them are prominent professionals, news agencies, professional organizations, and governmental agencies. I have found Twitter an excellent resource in expanding my learning network and professional networking through Twitter chats, following recommendations, and reading comments. Twitter chats were something I was not familiar with before this program. However, they are valuable troves of collaboration and ideas on a topic. It is where users search for a specific hashtag during a scheduled time and answer questions from moderators. Twitter chats are helpful even after the scheduled meeting time because the content is available for comments. Many chats also have a Wakelet archive to quickly read over the entire chat session, usually about thirty minutes in length. But these “logs” can be pretty lengthy as people from all over the globe are participating.

During our Technology Integration Twitter Chat, we shared our responses to three questions:

  1. What is your current favorite technology tool to use in the learning environment?
  2. What do you think of when you hear the term “digital citizenship”?
  3. What technology would you like to know more about?

It was a very active chat even though the group was small, but it allowed us to “get to know each other” and review each other’s responses to develop a more holistic perspective on each topic. Through the chat, much like others I have participated within, I end the session with a broadened perspective and more individuals I am following on Twitter to continue to see my peer’s interests and passions.

Follow Me On Twitter @StevenBianco4.

Steven Kolberg
Steven Kolberg
Senior Coordinator of Accessibility and LMS Administration

My research interests include instructional design, web accessibility, computer programming, and education.
