Photo from Unbridling Your Brilliance

#UDLChat 1/15/2020

Table of Contents

#UDLchat Question/Answer Protocol: Chat moderator starts each question with Q1, Q2, Q3, ..... Chat participants answer with A1, A2, A3, .....
#UDLchat Question/Answer Protocol

This was my very first Twitter chat. I had never heard of Twitter being utilized for live chatting before. When Twitter came out, it was a method of communication to send static messages and reply asynchronously. I did some basic research before the session on how to effectively participate in a Twitter chat and located an article (McCabe, 2018) that helped me better understand how to do so. I did realize quickly during this chat session that I needed to find a program or website that automatically reloads the hashtag #UDLChat to make it a more of a synchronous experience. Initially, I was running Twitter through the Android app on my smartphone and my desktop computer through a web browser. The chat progressed rather rapidly, and I feel like I fell behind in needing to reload the page often. I ended up not seeing the final question post and did not answer.

Joining the chat was easy. I was surprised to receive reactions and likes on my answers throughout the half-hour. During the chat session, “#UDL in Leadership,” some good points were shared by the participants. I learned that modeling the UDL framework and practices, along with providing training to staff and faculty, are critical components to being a leader and promoter of Universal Design for Learning. I also learned that to be an effective UDL Leader it is a continuous process of finding new ways to accomplish goals, keep current on practices in the field, and listening and collaborating with colleagues to keep the momentum moving forward.

I have embedded the questions posed by the moderator with my responses, the announcement page with the questions posted in advance, and the archive for the chat session posted by one of the participants.


McCabe, K. (2018, August). Understanding Twitter chats — A guide to start & join the conversation. Retrieved from Raven Tools website.


#UDL in Leadership

Q1: What qualities does a #UDL leader have?

Q2: Is there a difference between a #UDL leader and a #UDL expert?

Q3: How can we amplify the voices of #UDL practitioners?

Q4: You are all #UDL leaders! How can you empower #UDL leadership this year?

For this Twitter chat I did not prepare answers in advance. The chat had ended before I was able to craft a response.

Question Source

UDLchat January 15, 2020 Question Source

Twitter Chat Archive

UDLchat January 15, 2020 Twitter Chat Archive (Wakelet)

UDLchat January 15, 2020 (PDF)

Steven Kolberg
Steven Kolberg
Senior Coordinator of Accessibility and LMS Administration

My research interests include instructional design, web accessibility, computer programming, and education.
