Photo from Student CareerPath Planning Program

#UDLChat 3/4/2020

Table of Contents

Why Universal Design for Learning? Classrooms are filled with variability.


Before the twitter chat, one of the posts I saw tagged seemed like an exciting resource to use when designing curriculum and lessons. I downloaded the “UDL Tic-Tac-Toe” sheet and plan on using it in the future to develop lessons, activities, assignments, and presentations.

The topic of creative confidence was interesting, so I researched the definition and concept. Creative confidence is defined by openIDEO (2013) as “[h]aving the freedom and courage to fail/take creative risks and the knowledge that all of the ideas you create have value.” The Twitter chat followed the concept in the book Creative Confidence by David M. Kelley and Tom Kelley, Crown, 2013. As we hope to develop our UDL practices further, we need to leave room for failure and use that toward improving upon our methods and not just giving up. Even the best planning will have unexpected circumstances. Learning from the unexpected is the only way to anticipate it in the future.

The question, “Q3. Most design teams and schools are profoundly collaborative, yet teaching can be profoundly isolating. How do you intentionally connect with and ideate with others?” was very thought-provoking. The participants mentioned video calls, instant messaging, phone calls, emails, and other channels of communication. However, we all agreed that, if at all possible, connecting in-person is best. Humans need social connection, collaboration, and the ability to express themselves in many different ways. Opening up the various remote channels is helpful. Still, meeting in-person with ample supplies like note pads, whiteboards, and large writing pads with writing tools can further increase the action of expression with each other.


openIDEO. (2013, September 18). Defining creative confidence. Retrieved from openIDEO website.


#UDLChat: Creative Confidence Revisited

Q1. With regard to teaching and learning, when you look around, what opportunities do you see to do things better?

Q2. Sir Ken Robinson has said, “We’re now running national education systems where mistakes are the worst thing you can make.” How do you make people (colleagues or learners) feel comfortable experimenting with new ideas?

Q3. Most design teams and schools are profoundly collaborative, yet teaching can be profoundly isolating. How do you intentionally connect with and ideate with others?

Q4. According to David & Tom Kelley, authors of Creative Confidence, “Most people are reluctant to sing solo in public, but under the right conditions they willingly step up to the microphone.” They refer to it as “Karaoke Confidence.” Tag 2-3 people (more if you’d like) who have given you Karaoke Confidence in UDL.

Question Source

UDLchat March 4, 2020 Question Source

Twitter Chat Archive

UDLchat March 4, 2020 Twitter Chat Archive (Wakelet)

UDLchat March 4, 2020 (PDF)

Steven Kolberg
Steven Kolberg
Senior Coordinator of Accessibility and LMS Administration

My research interests include instructional design, web accessibility, computer programming, and education.
