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#UDLChat 4/1/2020

Table of Contents

UDL, Universal Design, and accessibility.
The relationship between Universal Design for Learning, Universal Design, and Accessibility.


What an interesting time we are experiencing both in life and within education. COVID-19 has completely changed the educational environment from the traditional in-person classroom to virtual learning for the remaining semester after final exams. It is important to remember that education can not be perfect or Universally Designed when reactively thrown into any environment. One of the critical takeaways learning about Universal Design is that the curriculum design must be intentional, taking into consideration the systemic variability of learners. Educators must do their best to finish their semester’s teaching assignments and ensure students are keeping on-task. While participating in this session, it was heart-warming to see the collaboration and sharing of resources and talent across the disciplines.

I mainly wanted to see what resources the participants had to share to help others work on making proactive decisions about the accessibility of course content, tools, and other methodologies for teaching well in the virtual classroom. Many great resources were shared. One resource of note, by Dr. Hillary Goldthwait-Fowles (2020) is a Waklet titled Distance Learning for All. Many great resources and tips were shared. Another I had come across was a public OneNote Notebook by Karyn Fillhart, also listed in Dr. Goldthwait-Fowles resources.

The most important take away I found from this session was that we need to be in touch with each other, our learners need the personal touch in learning, and we need social feedback as well.


Goldthwait-Fowles, H. (2020). Distance learning for all. Retrieved from Wakelet website.


How Can #UDLChat Help?

Q1. How can #UDLChat help you tonight? Moral support? Resources? Brainstorming? A laugh? Strategy? Tech tool?

Q2. Name a tech tool that has helped you embed UDL in your remote learning?

Q3. How are you staying connected to your colleagues and students?

Q4. Give a shout out to someone who has helped you this week, someone we should all be following, or maybe just someone who could use a shoutout. (Feel free to tag more than one.)

Question Source

UDLchat April 1, 2020 Question Source

Twitter Chat Archive

UDLchat April 1, 2020 Twitter Chat Archive (Wakelet)

UDLchat April 1, 2020 (PDF)

Steven Kolberg
Steven Kolberg
Senior Coordinator of Accessibility and LMS Administration

My research interests include instructional design, web accessibility, computer programming, and education.
