Build Bridges not Silos: A Holistic Approach to Empowering Faculty in Quality Online Course Design


Are institutional silos impacting the quality of your online courses? Join our conversation to strategize how cross-departmental collaboration can create a holistic professional development experience for faculty developing online courses. We will use our experience creating and implementing "DEV 101" at Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW) to shape the conversation. DEV 101 is a self-paced, blended course designed to provide instructors with the tools and knowledge to create an enriching, student-centered online course. With administrative support from the Provost’s Office, DEV 101 was designed and is facilitated by FSW instructional designers, librarians, and accessibility specialists. It requires participation in activities in both the LMS and in three synchronous workshops; "Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR)", "Open Educational Resources (OER), Copyright, and Fair Use", and "Universal Design and Access". Faculty that successfully complete DEV 101 develop a detailed course map in alignment with QM Rubric Standards, receive a stipend and earn the "FSW Online Course Design Certification". Let’s discuss how this process can be adapted to fit the needs of your institution!

Nov 4, 2021 2:00 PM — 2:45 PM