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Personalized Learning

Table of Contents

Personalized learning is an area that combines authentic or personally relevant learning experiences and offers another way of allowing the submission of assignments or honing digital skills. Personalized learning is also an area for educators to help students develop skills they may need during a course. For instance, we had an activity to pick two Applied Digital Skills lessons from Google during this cycle. I enjoyed working on the two different applied digital skills lessons. I always approach these learning opportunities by “forgetting” what I may know to focus on learning. Besides the training available from Google, LinkedIn Learning, and other organizations, another way to integrate personalized learning opportunities is linking out to open courseware content. I find these activities provide the learners with an outside professional voice that helps to reinforce the relevance and credibility of the information shared within the classroom. While I reference outside content within my content, it is also essential to keep learners involved through interaction. So to provide a more personalized learning experience, I created a Flippity on digital accessibility as a scavenger hunt. Throughout the scavenger hunt, the hints link out to content that reinforces the response to the questions. I had a fun time thinking of different spelling and variations learners may enter as responses. Moving forward, I want to integrate more open courseware and openly licensed content into my workshops to provide that additional layer of credibility and find or create interactive experiences in the content. However, not all learners may be “gamers” or enjoy playing a game, so to further personalize their experience, I will provide other activities that will align with the learning objectives and not require any “game skills.”

Steven Kolberg
Steven Kolberg
Senior Coordinator of Accessibility and LMS Administration

My research interests include instructional design, web accessibility, computer programming, and education.
