Photo from EdTechReview

#UDLChat 4/15/2020

Table of Contents

Remote Learning during COVID-19.


My current pandemic adventure has been captioning, and faculty are adopting accessibility. The instructional design team at my institution is working on upcoming course developments, and I have been getting the usual review requests for accessibility and answering questions. I have been excited that inclusive access and design is becoming a priority with our faculty. We are also working on rolling out a CMS or content management system for our public-facing website, and I have been pleased with the recent web tickets providing alternative text for the web team to incorporate for images. The next big adventure is the captioning of the virtual graduation ceremony. Things have been busy with life, graduate school, and work, but I am so happy that I have been involved in these Twitter chats to connect with others. I am looking forward also to joining the next #ATChat for the first time.

As things wrap up for this semester, I am just happy to see all of the work, collaboration, and creativity through this COVID-19 adventure. It has been an excellent opportunity to see people coming together and learning remote conferencing technologies so quickly.


#UDLchat Pandemic Adventure!

Q1: Describe one of your current adventures in synchronous learning or working

Q4: Can you share some new tools that are helpful to provide asynchronous options for learners?

Q2: The COVOD Adventure is unsettling, what do you do to sooth yourself?

Q3: How do you sooth your learners?

Q5: Shout out! Give a compliment or thank you to a person or group. (Feel free to tag more than one)

Question Source

UDLchat April 15, 2020 Question Source

Twitter Chat Archive

UDLchat April 15, 2020 Twitter Chat Archive (Wakelet)

UDLchat April 15, 2020 (PDF)

Steven Kolberg
Steven Kolberg
Senior Coordinator of Accessibility and LMS Administration

My research interests include instructional design, web accessibility, computer programming, and education.
